The Région Ile-de-France and
Software République powered by Mobilize
await your innovative ideas and products in their new Call for Projects!
Winner :

… What is it ?
Use AI to propose innovative mobility services and solutions around the use of light electric vehicles dedicated to urban mobility.
The organisers invite you to imagine new services that could be applied to the Ile-de-France region, such as :
- Solutions facilitating intermodality and a smoother journey between public transport and light electric vehicles / shared transport;
- New car-sharing services;
- Services to optimise and facilitate the use of recharging stations / electric infrastructures;
- Solutions for organising last-mile logistics;
- And more generally, any service that will facilitate increased use of cleaner mobility solutions around Mobilize vehicles and public transport.
To do this, applicants may draw on the following assets:
- The Mobilize Bento & Duo vehicles, for which you will find the general description here
- The data available from Renault vehicles, considering that the Mobilize Bento & Duo will provide data from electric powertrain, see the following file
- Any assets you detect among the Software République partners that you may need from the following companies : Atos, Dassault Systèmes, Orange, Renault, ST Microelectronics, Thales
The winner will be provided with all the assets listed in his or her proposal at the end of the Call for Projects, supplied by the Software République partners. The assets not listed in this Call for Proposals by the partners, which are the subject of a request, will be provided subject to availability.
How to apply ?
Before 10 February 2023, we ask you to complete the official form click here.
You will need to send a Deck in the following format :
- Maximum 10 slides presenting your main activity, your startup, your product, your competitors, your team, milestone/calendar and the problem you solve;
- Maximum 4 slides on your proposal for “AI for URBAN MOBILITY”: what are your ideas, the functionalities you want to develop, the customer value you bring, the additional data from the Software République partners you think you will need.
What reward ?
Only one winner can win the following awards :
1 – Up to €500,000 grant from the Ile-de-France Region*
The Ile-de-France Region proposes to double the amount of the winner’s investment in the project up to a maximum of €500,000, provided that the project is undertaken in the Ile-de-France Region with the partners of the Software République. Find the complete conditions of the grant in the regulations here.
2 – Join the Software République Incubation program
Be part of the Software République! You will work on the project described in your application with the founding partners and the Ile-de-France region. If you accept, you will join the free incubation programme tailored to your needs in order to accelerate your development. More information here
Who can apply ?
Any individual or startup that feels able to provide a technical offer to the proposed challenge. We also allow a group of startups to apply, in which case you should indicate in the form all the companies involved. In the second phase of the Call for Projects you will be asked to show what you can do. This can be with an existing product that has a similar technology, or with a prototype of your proposal, to be demonstrated in the first phase of the Call for Projects.
Don’t hesitate to use the contact form if you have any questions.
The 4 phases in this Call for Projects:
End of applications
Results sent to applicants by email
“Show your skills period’” : we will schedule interviews to allow you to show us your skills via a demo of an existing product, a quick prototype of your proposal and a pitch of your innovation idea
Final result after deliberations by the Jury
*The financing of the aid is governed by the framework scheme exempted from notification n°SA.40391 relating to aid for research, development and innovation (RDI) for the period 2014 – 2020. It is understood, in particular, that grants to winners in the context of the challenge apply to experimental developments in the context of effective collaborations, and which will therefore benefit from the rate of 60% for a small company and 50% for a medium-sized company.
Please answer each question, otherwise your application will automatically be rejected.
If you do not know how to answer a question or if it does not apply to your situation, please write: “Not applicable” or “I don’t know” or “I haven’t looked”. This answer will lead to further analysis of your situation.
You must attach a deck at the bottom of the form with at least the following information:
- Your core business, your startup, your product, your competitors, your team, milestone/planning and the problem you are solving
- In the case of a consortium of startups, indicate the reasons that led you to join forces. In particular, emphasise the technological and scientific complementarities
- In the case of a company responding alone to one of the scientific questions, you should indicate in particular how you have the capacity to carry out the collaborative project alone
- Emphasise the novelty of the project
- Brief summary of the major difficulties expected and the technological and scientific obstacles that will needed to be overcome. What methods will be used to carry this out?
- What are the objectives of the project? Explain your needs in terms of data sets (e.g. quantity, type, annotations…) to achieve them
- Identify and describe (forecast) the functionalities and/or characteristics of the products, processes or services planned to be delivered at the end of the collaborative project with the Software République partners
- Mention the targeted markets as well as the commercial objectives of the project